Super Star Financial:

Asset Protection, Wealth Strategies &

Financial Literacy

The Financially Intelligent wisely Diversify and Make

Better Money & In Life!

Who We Are...What We Do...

We are asset protection specialists are licensed mortgage bankers, real estate agents and crypto-savvy professionals who challenge people to do better with their finances. educating the public on wise money moves and building an asset base to enhance their financial freedom. in doing so we expand your knowledge base which allows you to make better financial decisions. We also are adamant about protecting your precious assets with Trusts, Non-Profit Entities, LLC's and more. We empower our youth to take control of their financial future. Our innovative approach combines technology, crypto-currency, cutting-edge financial strategies & creativity to engage our target market.

offering e-books, online courses, one-on-one private consultations,  as well as small business development workshops. Additionally we provide strategies to reduce the amount athletes and other high-net-worth individuals pay in taxes by 35%. Why should you continue to finance government excess, financial stupidity & waste? You shouldn't!

Financial Empowerment for Everyone NOW!

Our high-tech financial innovators are dedicated to educating youth to take control of their finances at an early age. As they learn about the power of utilizing the credit as a weapon, entities, LLC's and other asset protection strategies their financial literacy will literally explode. 

And let's not forget...

The Teen Credit Boot Camp can and will change your child's financial future!

Our Para-military-themed financial literacy seminars travel the country, inspiring and creatively educating youth about credit and finances. Teens and young adults become empowered while learning about money in a fun, new and exciting way!

Our Mission

At Super Star Financial, we are dedicated to empowering the young and the not-so-young adults to build a portfolio of assets and bullet-proof them within an array of financial instruments which insulate them from the financial madness they see all around them on a daily basis. You can take control of your finances, eliminate debt, build your credit and achieve financial mastery. Our innovative approach combines little-known financial strategies, A.I. Technology along with creative educational tools to make the asset/portfolio development process exciting & enjoyable!

Master Your Finances...Master Your Life!

Phone: 302-481-6414

Leave Your Contact Data Below To Schedule A Private Financial Consultation, NBA "Before I Blow It" Seminar, Take Back Your Power Workshop or Teen Credit Boot Camp.