Virtual Seminars & Courses
Dynamic seminars, Make-over Courses and Powerful trainings. our comprehensive products & services can help your finances thrive!
The Teen Credit Boot Camp
This is a life-changing, non-traditional finance seminar where teens learn about assets, liabilities, APR & net worth. The mission of the Teen Credit Boot Camp Program is to develop young adults into independent thinking, financially savvy individuals with leadership capabilities as well as financial empowerment tools which allow them to properly deal with the critical financial & societal needs they face at the moment.
Using hip-hop music, role plays, A.I. strategies, and little-know secrets we show teens how to achieve credit mastery and financial fitness!
The Love & Money Seminar:
Head over heels in love? Is she gorgeous? Do you guys seem like the perfect pair? But are you a "saver" and she's a "spender"? You may want to wait just a minute.... Does she have you buying designer bags like they're candy? This is your wake-up call! If your money-maps don't align no matter how fine she is it's a recipe for the 2 D's...Disaster & Divorce. Both of which could cost you your fortune. Before tying that knot, this is the one seminar you need....And if you're not familiar with Steven Jackson's story you better check it out:
Make sure you have a Pre-Nup!!!!
Email us to schedule or attend a seminar at

Before I Blow It Seminar:
(Professional Athletes)
The athletes listed above all went broke. How many more will blow-through their millions even with their accountants "managing" their funds? The average professional athlete is flat broke 3 years after they leave the league. How is it possible these players make millions of dollars and still end up destitute? They all have advisors and attorneys and still met with this untimely fate! Here's a little hint: NOBODY is going to manage your money better than YOU! And if you change your money habits you'll change your life! This 90-minute seminar shows you how to do just that as well as how to structure your finances to save thousands on taxes!
Divorcees Credit Survival-Kit!
Divorce can be a very ugly thing. And most divorcees are so glad to get away from their ex they never even contemplate the fact that they're still enjoined and/or "married" to their ex in the credit system. This is another one of those vital bits of information the DON'T teach us in school! And it's a nightmare you can avoid if you learn to take these steps to protection your private financial data.
The law says you have a right to privacy and credit providers violate those rights by extending credit in your name to your ex without your express prior written consent. In this case the law is the only thing that can make those credit providers zero out those unlawful transactions. But when you don't know the law you pay and you pay dearly!
Get this impactful information and it will change your life. A bonus of 12 legal forms and affidavits to repair your credit have been added. Was priced at $249.99, but it will be available 4/25/24 for $59.99